1 Oft as returns the holy day,
The day of sacred rest,
Before Thy throne Thy people throng,
With hearts divinely blest.
The Lord is good, His mercy shines
Thru-out all nature fair,
His churches shall with joy resound,
While we His works declare.
How beautiful His courts,
How excellent His truths,
How merciful and just His ways!
All ye, His saints, to Zion haste,
And swell the notes of praise,
And swell the notes of praise.
2 Here, bless the Lord; here, praise His name;
And here His triumphs sing;
Here, ye His saints, your homage pay,
And glorify your King.
Lord, in Thy praise shall more and more
Be fixed our highest love,
Till with the blest our songs shall fill
Thy temple bright above. [Refrain]
Source: Hymns for Today: for Sunday Schools, Young People's Societies, The Church, The Home, Community Welfare Associations, and Patriotic Meetings #15