1 Oft times when in God's furnace,
I'm tempted to repine,
But see in all His dealings
He aims to make me shine.
He's doing the best for me,
To keep me happy and free.
Tho' often I'm tempted to murmur,
He's doing the best for me.
2 My faith is often staggered,
When answers come to slow;
But God doth show great mercy
Sometimes in saying "no." [Refrain]
3 It bringeth untold anguish,
When friends are torn from me;
But pruning's always needful
To make a fruitful tree. [Refrain]
4 My patience oft is tested,
'Neath tribulation's staff;
But God is only trying
To separate the chaff. [Refrain]
Source: His Fullness Songs #224