1 On great Jehovah who in faith rely,
Shall firmly stand, like Sion seated high;
In vain 'gainst Sion's mount the winds arise;
She braves their fury, and the storm defies.
2 As round Jerusalem the hills expend,
And by their natural strength the town defend;
So guards his tribes Jehovah with his pow'r;
They never long his wanted aid deplore.
3 Long as his people to their God are true,
Them shall the impious nations ne'er subdue,
O'er them ne'er exercise despotic sway,
Nor lure their souls from his dread laws to stray,
4 To them, O Lord, who duly rev'rence thee,
Whose hearts are upright, shew thy clemency;
5 But all who deviate from thy sacred law,
Whose souls are sinful, with thy judgments awe;
While blest tranquility in Salem reigns,
And peace and plenty crown her flow'ry plains.
Source: New Version of the Psalms of David #CXXV