Our Lord, you were sent to a place wild and vast
To ponder your mission, to pray and to fast;
Then hungry and weary, you faced night and day
The subtle temptations to turn from God’s way.
How could it be wrong to want bread on the shelf?
To seek, in one’s serving, to first serve one’s self?
But by God’s own word you remained ever sure:
It’s only in God that our lives are secure.
How could it be wrong to step out and to dare,
To prove with great drama the depths of God’s care?
But you knew God’s word, true since all time began:
It’s wrong to expect God to work by our plan.
How could it be wrong to just once bow the knee,
To shake hands with sin to achieve victory?
Yet you made it clear that no matter the cost:
Your path was obedience, your way was the cross.
Our Lord, in your struggle you chose to obey;
God’s word filled your heart and you trusted God’s way.
Now risen, you save us from sins that destroy;
You give us your Spirit, your peace and your joy.
Source: Songs of Grace: new hymns for God and neighbor #13