1 Over the plains and hillsides
Lies the untrodden snow,
Marr’d by no human footprint,
Fair in the noontide glow.
Oft as it lies before me
Cometh the word of light
Unto my sin-stain’d spirit,
“Scarlet shall be as white.”
Wonderful word of promise
Unto the sinful soul:
There is a cleansing fountain
Opened to make thee whole.
So when I see the snowflakes
Fair in the noontide glow,
Then to my heart I whisper,
“Thou shalt be as white as snow.”
2 Glorious transformation—
Sins that like scarlet glow,
E’en tho’ they be as crimson,
“They shall be as white as snow.”
Never a word more blessed
Comes to the heart of sin.
Fly to the cleansing fountain,
“Wash you and make you clean.” [Refrain]
3 Beautiful type he giveth,
What is so white as snow?
Naught but the sin-stain’d spirit
Wash’d in the crimson flow.
Soon with the saints in glory,
Clad in fair robes of light,
We shall repeat the story,
“Jesus hath made us white.” [Refrain]
Source: The Old Story in Song #40