1. Pilgrims in a hostile land,
Much we fail to understand,
As we onward journey pressed by many a care,
But with faith unmoved we sing,
For we're children of a King,
And we know 'twill all be right over there.
'Twill be right, all right over there,
In that land of promise so fair;
'Mid its glories increasing,
And its joys never ceasing,
'Twill be right, all right over there.
2. When clouds hide our Leader's face,
Let us slacken not our pace,
For we know that we can trust him ev'rywhere;
And tho' dim this mortal eye,
We shall see him by and by,
As he is and like him be, over there. [Chorus]
3. Let us ever trust his grace,
And be constant in the race
For the prize of the high calling in the Lord;
And when night obscures the way,
May the lessons learn'd by day
Help us keep the course and still trust his word. [Chorus]
4. Let us then not think it strange,
And our life-course wish to change,
That a "light affliction" we are called to bear;
But a moment to endure,
Glory then, eternal, sure,
O we know 'twill all be right, over there. [Chorus]
Source: Carols of Hope: a compilation of select sacred songs for use in Sunday schools, praise and young people's services #66