1 Praise Him! praise Him! Carol a song of glory;
Tell of the wonders of His love,
Tell of the mansions bright above;
Sweetly! sweetly! Echo the gospel story;
Shouting aloud the glad refrain,
“Christ has come to reign!”
Let the merry, chiming bells
Echo the joyful song,
For of life and love it tells
Unto the busy throng;
Let the silent rocks and hills
Answer in glad acclaim,
While the vales and singing rills
Carol the Savior’s name.
2 Praise Him! praise Him! Beautiful carols bringing,
Unto His name the choicest give,
For He was slain that we might live;
Tell it! tell it! Set the glad bells a ringing;
Herald it over land and main,
“Christ has come to reign!” [Chorus]
3 Praise Him! praise Him! Tell of His grace abounding!
Tell of His mercy rich and free,
Tell of His death on Calvary!
Sing it! sing it! Until the hills surrounding
Echo the glad triumphant strain,
“Christ has come to reign!” [Chorus]
Source: Light and Life Songs: adapted especially to sunday schools, prayer meetings and other social services #192