1 Pray when the morning light is dawning;
Pray when the noon is shining bright;
Pray when the evening shadows darken;
Pray in the dark and solemn night;
Pray when the storm-clouds thickly gather;
Pray when the sky is bright and clear;
Pray in the name of Jesus ever,
Advocate and friend so dear.
Let us pray, always pray,
While we labor on for evermore.
Let us pray, always pray
'Till we rest on Canaan's happy shore.
2 Pray for the world in sin and darkness;
Pray for the church, the blessed bride;
Pray for thyself in humble meekness;
Pray, living near the Savior's side;
Pray for the sick and all in sorrow;
Pray for the "watchmen on the wall;"
Pray that a bright and golden morrow
Waiteth for us one and all. [Chorus]
3 Pray for the Spirit's holy guidance;
Pray for the grace of Jesus, too;
Pray for a holy zeal to labor;
Pray for a life devoted, true;
Pray for the loving lambs enfolded;
Pray for the wand'ring ones astray;
Pray that the feet of all be guided
Strait into the narrow way. [Chorus]
Source: The Morning Star: a collection of new sacred songs, for the Sunday school, prayer meeting, and the social circle #94