“Reconciliation’s plan devising,
“Fellow-sharer of the FATHER’s Throne,
“Thee, O CHRIST, we, very early rising,
“Tender lover of our spirits, own!”
When Thy Friends, with deep dismay confounded,
Stood amazed, and knew not where to fly,
All the darkness that their souls surrounded
Thou didst scatter with Thy drawing nigh.
Touch how aweful, how consolatory!
When, O Thomas, thou didst stretch thine hand,
And that Side, resplendent in its glory,
Didst explore, because He gave command!
Unbelief of Thomas was the Mother
Of Thy Church’s most unshaken Creed:
Thou, O SAVIOUR, wise above all other,
Had’st, before the world was, thus decreed.
Hymns of the Eastern Church, 1866