1 Repent and be baptis'd,
Saith our redeeming LORD,
Ye all are not appris'd
That 'tis your Saviour's word,
Arise, arise without delay,
And Christ's divine commands obey.
2 Come ye believing train,
No more this truth withstand,
No longer think it vain
T' obey your LORD's command:
But haste, arise, without delay,
And be baptis'd in JESUS' way.
3 JESUS, the Prince of peace,
To thy great name we pray,
Make the converted race,
Thine ordinance obey:
O may thy love their souls o'ercome
And draw them to thy liquid tomb.
Source: A Selection of Psalms and Hymns: done under the appointment of the Philadelphian Association #CCLXXIV