1 Saving and serving our watchword shall be;
Living for others and living for Thee;
Help us, dear Lord, to be true to our trust,
Serving the Master and saving the lost.
Serving the Lord and saving the lost;
Shrinking not from danger, counting not the cost.
Keep us, blessed Master, true to our true,
Serving the Lord and saving the lost.
2 Serving the Master so good and so true,
Finding some service in all that we do;
Seeking His glory and doing His will;
Waiting or working but serving Him still. [Chorus]
3 Saving the lost ones wherever they roam;
Seeking the wand’rers and bringing them home;
Going where darkness and sorrow are found,
Seeking the lost to earth’s uttermost bounds. [Chorus]
4 Saving and serving, O blessed employ!
Heaven itself has no holier joy;
And we shall win heaven’s richest reward
Saving the lost ones and serving the Lord. [Chorus]
Source: Hymns of the Christian Life #455