1 Since I came to the Cross in my sin and despair,
I’ve a great glad story to tell,
Jesus heard in compassion and answered my pray’r,
I’ve a great glad story to tell.
I’ve a story to tell, a story to tell,
A great glad story to tell,
How Jesus in mercy doth sinners receive,
I’ve a great glad story to tell.
2 Faithful witness of Thine, blessed Lord, may I be;
I’ve a great glad story to tell,
I was lost and am found, I was blind, now I see,
I’ve a great glad story to tell. [Refrain]
3 To the hopeless, the perishing, now let me go,
With a great glad story to tell,
AS on me, son on them Christ will pardon bestow,
I’ve a great glad story to tell. [Refrain]
Source: Victorious Life Hymns #20