1 Sing, O sing the blessed story,
Christ the Lord is born in glory:
Christmas morn dark night dispels,
Ring o'er all the world the bells.
Ring, ring, happy Christmas bells,
O'er all the world your music swells;
Ring, ring on this blessed morn,
For Christ the Lord is born.
Sing, sing, glory be to God,
On earth goodwill and peace to men:
Glory be to God on high,
Christ is born in Bethlehem.
2 Sing, O sing the blessed story,
Christ the Lord is born in glory:
We our glad hosannas sing,
Let the bells a chorus ring. [Chorus]
3 Sing, O sing the blessed story,
Christ the Lord is born in glory:
Born His people to redeem,
Ring ye bells the glorious theme. [Chorus]
4 Sing, O sing the blessed story,
Christ the Lord is born in glory:
Now is man from sin set free,
Ring ye bells o'er land and sea. [Chorus]
Source: Light in the Valley: a new work of great merit for the Sunday school, revivals, Christian Endeavor, Epworth League, young people's society, and all forward movement along the line of battle... #204