1. Sing to Jehovah a new song;
In this agree let every tongue.
2. Sing to the Lord, and bless his name;
Daily his saving health proclaim.
3. His glory to the heathen show;
Make all their tribes his wonders know.
4. God's great, and greatly to be praised;
In fear, above all gods, he's rasied.
5 For heathen gods are but a name;
But heaven's wide arch the Lord did frame.
6. Majestic honors on him wait:
Beauty and strength, adorn his seat.
7. O all ye kingdoms, every tribe,
Glory, and power, to God ascribe.
8. Give him the glory, to him due;
With offerings to his courts come you.
9. To worship, in his house, repair,
Let all the earth him reverence there.
10. To all the nations this rehearse,
Jehovah reigns through the universe;
The world unmoved shall stablished be,
The people justly judge shall he.
11. Let heaven, and earth, thereat rejoice,
Seas, and their stores, with roaring voice.
12. Let fertile fields, and all things there,
Their joy, in cheerful shouts declare;
Then all the trees shall leap and sing,
And joy, through all the woods, shall ring.
13. Before the Lord, who comes to bless
The world, with truth, and righteousness;
With truth, and justice, he shall come,
To pass on all their final doom.
A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752