1 So ends the ages’ vigil,
So ends the prophets’ line;
Forth from the virgin’s blessed womb
Comes now the Babe divine.
2 Out of the highest Heaven
Down to the wondering earth
Come angel choirs descending
To sing Messiah’s birth.
3 One with th’eternal Father
A human name He bears:
See God and man united,
Veiled in the flesh He wears.
4 This is the King immortal
That nations all shall seek;
Ne’er ruler so majestic
Never a prince so meek.
5 Clad in a humble vesture,
With peace His rod of might,
See kings approach His presence
And tremble at the sight.
6 His innocence is ermine,
And poverty His crown,
Love is His throne of glory
And mercy His renown.
7 He homeless lies in manger,
But pity does not crave:
He still rules all creation,
Still mighty, strong to save.
8 Blest henceforth are the lowly
Who of His meekness learn;
Blest those who sow His mercy,
They mercy reap in turn.
9 Blest those who family, fortune
Renounce for His dear sake;
They count no burden grievous
That Christ gives them to take.
10 Just one cold cup of water
Unto His small ones giv’n,
The giver shall receive it back
Filled from the springs of Heav’n.
11 Blessed the least believer
More than the prophets old,
Who in the lowly manger
Their Savior, God behold.
12 Fall at His feet, you faithful,
Bow to the King of kings!
As countless hosts adore Him
And fold you in their wings.
13 Now hear their sweetest carols,
That bright with rapture rise;
Come, join the joyful chorus
That circles earth and skies!
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #13148