1 So near to the kingdom of heaven,
But yet outside the gate!
Some day you plan to enter—
“Some day” may be too late!
So near to the kingdom, why hesitate?
So near to the kingdom, why longer wait?
Oh, enter before ’tis forever too late!
So near to the kingdom, so near!
2 So near to the kingdom of heaven!
Almost persuaded now
To trust the blessed Saviour,
Before His scepter bow. [Refrain]
3 So near to the kingdom of heaven!
Your friends are ent’ring in
To find the great salvation
That cleanseth from all sin. [Refrain]
4 So near to the kingdom of heaven,
Yet halting at the door!
Oh, shall your soul, thro’ doubting,
Be lost forevermore? [Refrain]
Source: Alexander's Gospel Songs No. 2 #6