1 Sorrows may come to me,
Peace may depart,
Riches of earth take wings,
Teardrops may start;
Still shall my path be bright,
By night or day,
Jesus, the “Morning Star,”
Shines o’er my way.
Jesus! Jesus! “Bright and Morning Star!”
Gloom of night Thou art dispelling,
With a love beyond all telling;
Jesus! Jesus! “Bright and Morning Star!”
To my heart, than all earth’s treasures,
Thou art dearer far.
2 Jesus is dearer far,
Than all beside,
He is a constant Friend
Whate’er betide;
Tho’ clouds be hanging low,
Dark be the night,
Jesus, the “Morning Star,”
Shines ever bright. [Refrain]
3 My bark, tho’ tempest tossed,
Shall ride secure;
Tho’ chart and compass fail,
I shall endure;
My hope is in that Star
Whose wondrous ray
In safety guides my bark,
Tho’ dark the way. [Refrain]
Source: The Kingdom of Praise #24