1 Soul, art thou seeking that heav’nly land,
Jesus has promised to keep thee;
Let the dear Savior e’er hold thy hand,
Jesus has promised to keep thee.
Trust in that Friend, trust to the end,
Jesus has promised to keep thee;
Tell him thy fears, he’ll dry thy tears,
Jesus has promised to keep thee
2 What tho’ the shadows are dark and deep,
Jesus has promised to keep thee;
What tho’ the tempest around may sweep,
Jesus has promised to keep thee. [Refrain]
3 If thou art tempted from him to stray,
Jesus has promised to keep thee;
Gently he’ll guide thee along life’s way,
Jesus has promised to keep thee. [Refrain]
4 When the cold Jordan at last shall roll,
Jesus has promised to keep thee;
Safe o’er the river he’ll bear thy soul,
Jesus has promised to keep thee. [Refrain]
Source: The Finest of the Wheat No. 3 #109