1 Sovereign of Heav’n and earth, behold
The nation at Thy feet;
There rich and poor, and young and old,
In lowly posture meet.
2 Thither would we with grateful frame,
Our thankful tribute bring,
And celebrate the glorious name
Of our exalted king.
3 He breaks the bow and cruel sword,
And makes the wars to cease;
Come, let us magnify the Lord,
Who gives the nation peace.
4 The warlike trump no more we hear,
Inviting to the field;
No more do hostile armies wear
The helmet and the shield.
5 The thundering cannon cease to roar,
Nor spread destruction round;
The murderous engines now no more
Tear up the fertile ground.
6 See commerce raise her fainting head,
And trade revive again;
Our numerous fleets the seas o’erspread,
And fearless plow the main.
7 Before the Majesty of Heav’n,
Our mercies past we own;
The work of peace alone was Thine:
Let praise surround the throne.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #15817