Display Title: Stay Here and Keep Watch (Estén Despiertos, Quédense) First Line: Stay here and keep watch with me (Estén despiertos, quédense) Tune Title: [Stay here and keep watch with me] Author: Taizé Community Scripture: Matthew 26:36-46; Mark 14:32-42; Luke 22:40-46; 1 Corinthians 1:18 Date: 2013 Subject: Comfort | ; Consuelo | ; Courage | ; Death | ; Eternal Life | ; Fortaleza | ; Healing | ; Lenten Season | ; Muerte | ; Name Of God | ; Nombre de Dios | ; Paschal Triduum | Good Friday; Paschal Triduum | Thursday of the Lord's Supper; Petition/Prayer | ; Rites of the Church | Pastoral Care of the Sick; Ritos de la Iglesia | Cuidado Pastarol de los Enfermos; Sanación | ; Strength | ; Suffering | ; Sufrimiento | ; Súplica/Oración | ; Tiempo de Cuaresma | ; Triduo Pascual | Jueves Santo; Triduo Pascual | Viernes Santo; Valor | ; Vida Eterna |
Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song #421