1 Sweet and clear on my ear
Voices are falling from far away,
Like the gleam of a dream
Luring and leading me day by day.
Soft and low, to and fro,
Swelling with melody from above
As they roll o'er my soul,
Telling their story of love.
Starry eyes bright, shining at night,
Watching afar with your silv'ry light,
Sailing on wings, seeing all things,
Hearing the song all creation sings;
Whisper it low, for I would know,
Tho' it was such a long time ago--
Who did you see praying for me
Deep in the shade of Gethsemane?
Tenderly now they roll,
Like a song to my soul.
2 From afar shines a star
Seeming to speak to my longing heart;
Fain would I give reply,
And in the secret would have a part.
Shadows creep, long and deep,
And thro' the gloaming the breezes blow,
While I wait, long and late,
List'ning for that I would know.
Beautiful moon, fairer than noon,
Grant, I beseech of thee, this one boon:--
Did your soft rays kiss His kind face
As He looked up, in that lonely place?
As He knelt there fervent in prayer,
Did not an angel His sorrow share?
Praying for me! Yes, it was He,
Jesus, my Savior, of Galilee!
Tenderly now they roll,
Like a song to my soul.
Lightly tread where the dead
Slumber while eons of time go by;
silently, rev'rently,
While thro' the forests the night-winds sigh.
Look and see! 'tis for thee
Standeth a cross in the fading light!
Hark! that sigh--and the cry
Borne on the bosom of night.
Hiding his light, that he thus might
Cover Golgotha from heaven's sight,
Sorrowed the sun over the One
Who for the world a salvation won.
Lowly He came, died He in shame--
Died for the sinner, O praise His name!
Now I can see, praying for me,
Christ, my Redeemer, of Calvary.
Tenderly now they roll,
Like a song to my soul.
Source: Victory Songs: For the Church, Sunday School and Evangelistic Services. #207