1. Sweet fellowship unites our souls as one,
It is the bliss of heaven now begun;
When heart to heart by this blest tie is bound,
We seem to stand each day on holy ground.
Sweet fellowship with God on high,
And with his Son, who came to die,
With all his saints in ev'ry clime--
Be this my portion all the time.
2. The mingling flow of kindred minds and hearts,
That only from the fount of true love starts!
The sweetest but most fragile gift of grace,
Which only with the blood-washed has a place.
3. Unseen thy beauty and unknown thy worth
To all who have not yet the Spirit birth:
Where rankleth hate and sitteth lordly pride,
Thy gentle presence doth not there abide.
4. All hearts where thou dost dwell must be as one,
For thou dost flee where strife is but begun:
Nor wilt thou show again thy timid face
Where there may be of wrong or sin a trace.
Source: Truth in Song: for General Gospel Work #171