1 Sweet spirit if thy airy sleep,
Nor sees my tears, nor hears my sighs,
Oh I will weep, in luxury weep;
Till the last heart's drop fill mine eyes
2 But if thy sainted soul can feel,
And mingle in our misery,
Then, then my breaking heart I'll seal,
Thou shalt not hear one sigh from me.
3 The beam of morn was on thy stream,
But sullen clouds the day deform;
Thou wert indeed that morning beam,
And death, alas! that sullen storm.
4 Thou wert not formed for living here,
For thou wert kindred with the sky;
Yet, yet we held thee all so dear,
We thought thou wert not form'd to die.
5 How sweetly could I lay my head
Within the cold grave's silent breast;
Where sorrow's tears so more are shed,
No more the ills of life molest.
6 For, ah my heart! how very soon
The glittering dreams of youth are past!
And long before it reach its noon,
The sun of life is overcast.
Source: The Delights of Harmony; or, Norfolk Compiler: being a new collection of psalm tunes, hymns and anthems with a variety of set pieces, from the most approved American and European authors... #22