1 The church of Christ, which he has hallowed here
to be his house, is scattered far and near
in north, and south, and east, and west abroad;
and yet in earth and heav'n, thro' Christ, her Lord,
the church is one.
2 One member may not know another here,
and yet their fellowship is true and near;
one is their Savior, and their Father one;
one Spirit rules them, and among them none
lives to one's self.
3 They live to him who bought them with his blood,
baptized them with his Spirit, pure and good;
and in true faith and ever burning love,
their hearts and hopes ascend to seek above
th'eternal good.
4 O Spirt of the Lord, all life is yours;
now on your church your pow'r and strength out-pour,
that many children may be born to you
and through your knowledge may be brought anew
to sing Christ's praise.
Source: Moravian Book of Worship #516