Display Title: Psalm 98 (A Responsorial Setting) First Line: All the ends of the earth have seen the victory of our God Tune Title: [All the ends of the earth have seen the victory of our God] Scripture: Psalm 98 Date: 2012 Subject: Biblical Names and Places | Israel; Church Year | Advent; Church Year | Christmas; Disciples / Calling | ; Earth | ; Elements of Worship | Praise and Adoration; Enthronement Psalms | ; God as | Judge; God as | King; God's | Deeds; God's | Faithfulness; God's | Justice; God's | Love; God's | People (flock, sheep); God's | Power; God's | Reigning; God's | Strength; God's | Triumph; God's | Wonders; Hymns of Praise | ; Jesus Christ | Incarnation; Joy | ; Judgment | ; Justice | ; Mercy | ; Mission | ; Music and Musicians | ; Musical Instruments | ; New Creation | ; Occasional Services | New Year; People of God / Church | Witnessing; Rejoicing | ; Salvation | ; The Creation | ; The Incarnation | ; Truth | ; Witness | ; Worship | ; Year A, B, C, Christmas III, December 24 of 25 | ; Year A, B, C, Easter, Easter vigil | ; Year A, B, C, Holy Cross, September 14 | ; Year B, Easter, 6th Sunday | ; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, November 13-19 | ; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, November 6-12 | Source: Evangelical Lutheran Worship (Psalm text)
Psalms for All Seasons #98B(alt)