The Heavens declare thy Glory, Lord, Which that, and that alone can fill (Hopkinson)

The Heavens declare thy Glory, Lord, Which that, and that alone can fill (Hopkinson)

Adapter: Francis Hopkinson
Tune: GENEVAN 105
Published in 1 hymnal

Audio files: MIDI

Representative Text

1 The Heav'ns declare thy Glory, LORD,
Which that, and that alone can fill;
The Firmament and Stars express
their great Creator's wond'rous Skill:
Each Dawn fresh Beams of Knowledge brings,
From ev'ry Night Instruction springs.

2 Their pow'rful Language to no Space,
Or Realm, or Region is confin'd;
'Tis Nature's universal Voice,
And understood by all Mankind:
The Sun their Doctrines doth display,
Where-e'er he darts his genial Ray.

3 No Bridegroom for his Nuptials dress'd,
Can shew a more enliven'd Face;
No Giant does like him rejoice,
To run with Strength his glorious Race;
In one unwearied Round he goes,
And Light and Heat on all bestows.

Part II

4 GOD's perfect Law converts the Soul,
Reclaims the Heart from false Desires;
With sacred Wisdom his pure Word
The Weak and Ignorant inspires;
The Statutes bring sincere Delight;
His Word assists the feeblest Sight.

5 The Fear of GOD most perfect is,
And shall for evermore endure;
The Judgments of the LORD are true,
Most just and altogether pure;
More precious than fine Gold they are,
And sweeter than the Honey far.

6 My trusty Counsellors they are,
To me they friendly Warnings give:
Divine Rewards attend on those,
Who by thy Precepts live.
But who can all his Errors see?
From secret Faults, LORD, cleanse thou me!

7 Let no presumptuous Sin, O LORD!
Obtain Dominion over me;
That, by thy Grace preserv'd, I may
Far from the great Transgression flee;
So shall my Pray'r by thee be bless'd,
And I in GOD my Saviour rest.

Adapter: Francis Hopkinson

Francis Hopkinson; grad. College of Philadelphia with master’s degree; studied law and passed Pa. bar; opened conveyancer’s office in Philadelphia; musical and literary talent; prolific writer who frequently used pen name, A. B. LOC Name Authority Files Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: The Heavens declare thy Glory, Lord, Which that, and that alone can fill (Hopkinson)
Adapter: Francis Hopkinson
Source: Tate and Brady's New Version
Language: English
Publication Date: 1767
Copyright: Public Domain



GENEVAN 105 was first published in the 1562 edition of the Genevan Psalter as a setting for Theodore de Beze’s versification of Psalm 105. Howard Slenk (PHH 3) composed the harmonization in 1985. Another sturdy tune from Calvin's psalter, GENEVAN 105 is in Ionian mode (major) and consists of six l…

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