1 The little while I linger here
Should grief and sorrow fret me?
No; Jesus is my Shepherd dear,
He never will forget me.
He gave His life His flock to save,
His Spirit and His Word He gave.
With these He's ever with us.
2 I hear Him speak, I know His voice,
I go where'er He beckons.
His own He knows, they are His choice,
Their numbers, too, He reckons.
And He will seek the straying sheep,
The feeble in His bosom keep,
And gently raise the fallen.
3 He strengthens me with living bread,
With waters sweet and gracious,
Which flow from life's great Fountain-head,
With peace and joy most precious.
Though rough and thorny is my way,
If from His path I do not stray,
I shall not be forsaken.
4 How vain the worldling's pomp and show,
How brief his joys and pleasures!
The night approaches now, and lo!
We leave all earthly treasures.
Then, what are all things here below
To Jesus' promise, "Where I go,
I will receive you also."
Source: The Hymnal and Order of Service #457