1 The Lord my shepherd and my guide,
Will all my wants supply;
In safety I shall still abide,
Beneath his watchful eye.
2 Tho' hast'ning to the silent tomb,
And death's dark shades appear;
Thy presence, Lord, shall chear the gloom
And banish ev'ry fear.
3 No evil can my soul dismay,
While I am near my GOD;
My comfort, my support, and stay,
Thy staff and guiding rod.
4 Thy constant bounties me surround,
Amid my envious foes;
My favour'd head with gladness crown'd,
My cup with blessings flows.
5 Thus shall thy goodness love and care,
Attend my future days;
And I shall dwell for ever near,
My God, and sing his praise.
Source: A Selection of Psalms and Hymns: done under the appointment of the Philadelphian Association #CCXVII