1 The Lord sends me blessings again and again,
My cup he doth fill o’er and o’er,
But tho’ he doth give more than I can contain,
Yet, still I am asking for more;
For more of his love shed abroad in my heart,
For more of his blood sprinkled o’er ev’ry part,
And while it doth please him these gifts to impart,
Yet, still I am asking for more.
Asking for more, asking for more,
Oh, fill me, dear Lord, from thy bountiful store;
Yet, while thou art filling, I still will implore,
I still will keep asking for more.
2 Like the air that we breathe, these blessings so sweet
Were not for the future to store,
For present demands they are only to meet,
So, still I am asking for more;
I pray him by day and I pray him by night,
For grace to be kept on the side of the right,
But while he is filling my soul with delight,
Yet, still I am asking for more. [Refrain]
3 “Hitherto you have asked for naught in my name,
Ask now from my bountiful store,
That your joy may be full, ask largely again,”
So, still I am asking for more;
As long as I live I will ask o’er and o’er,
Until I am called to that beautiful shore,
Until I am filled with his joy evermore,
I still will keep asking for more. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Love and Praise No. 4 #113