1 “The Master is come, and is calling for thee,”
The Master of angels and men;
O grand and right royal and fittest is He,
Thy love and thy service to win.
The master is calling for thee,
The Master is calling for thee;
O hasten today, no longer delay,
The master is calling for thee.
2 “The Master is come, and is calling for thee,”
For thee He hath suffered and died;
And now He has come His beloved to see,
And claim thee forever His Bride. [Refrain]
3 “The Master is come, and is calling for thee,”
He calls by the truth thou hast heard;
“O come,” He is saying, “Come now unto Me,”
Thy Saviour, thy Master and Lord. [Refrain]
4 “The Master is come, and is calling for thee,”
He standeth just now at the door;
O say, wilt thou tarry? or say, wilt thou flee?
O think, should He come nevermore. [Refrain]
Source: Sacred Songs No. 1: compiled and arranged for use in gospel meetings, Sunday schools, prayer meetings and other religious services #18