1. The morning walks upon the earth,
And man awakes to toil and mirth;
All living things and lands are gay—
Dear God, walk with me through the day.
2. Sweet is the breathing of the world,
As in Thy love it lies unfurled;
And blue and clear th’immortal sky;
’Tis Thine, and Thine its purity.
3. Now noon sits throned, her golden urn
Pours forth the sunshine! Laugh and burn
Corn-land and meadow, lake and sea!
Lord of my life, pour love on me.
4. Slow comes the evening o’er the hill,
The labor of the world is still;
Homeward I go, and muse of Thee—
Father of home, abide with me.
5. Now crops the dark, but worlds of light,
Hidden by day, fulfill the night!
Infinite stillness, silent sea
Of truth and power flow over me.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #4328