1 The sinner that, by precious faith,
Has felt his sins forgiven,
Is manifestly passed from death,
And sealed an heir of heaven.
2 [Though thousand snares enclose his feet,
Not one shall hold him fast;
Whatever dangers he may meet,
He shall get safe at last.]
3 Not as the world the Saviour gives;
He is no fickle friend;
Whom once he loves he never leaves,
But loves him to the end.
4 [The spirit that would this truth withstand,
Would pull God’s temple down,
Wrest Jesus’ sceptre from his hands,
And spoil him of his crown.
5 Satan might then full victory boast;
The church might wholly fall;
If one believer may be lost,
It follows, so may all.
6 But Christ in every age has proved
His purchase firm and true;
If this foundation be removed,
What shall the righteous do?]
7 Brethren, by this, your claim, abide –
This title to your bliss;
Whatever loss you bear beside,
O never give up this.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #351