
There is a name high over all

Author: Lida Shivers Leech
Tune: [There is a name high over all]
Published in 2 hymnals

Audio files: MIDI

Representative Text

1 There is a name high over all,
Whose sweetness doth our souls enthrall,
Before it men and angels fall,
The wonderful name of Jesus.

Wonderful, Counsellor, Prince of Peace,
Jesus Thy pow’r shall never cease;
Daily Thy kingdom on earth doth increase,
Wonderful, Councellor, Prince of Peace.

2 There is a name I hold most dear,
It lights the way however drear;
And never fails my heart to cheer,
The wonderful name of Jesus. [Refrain]

3 When tossed my bark in wildest gales,
Upon life’s stormy sea it sails;
There is a name which never fails,
The wonderful name of Jesus. [Refrain]

Source: Jubilate : A Modern Sunday-School Hymnal #59

Author: Lida Shivers Leech

Born: Ju­ly 12, 1873, May­ville, New Jer­sey. Died: March 4, 1962, Long Beach, Cal­i­for­nia. Leech spent her child­hood in Cape May Court House, New Jer­sey, and at­tend­ed Co­lum­bia Un­i­ver­si­ty and Tem­ple Un­i­ver­si­ty. She played the or­gan at Be­tha­ny Meth­od­ist Church in Cam­den, New Jer­sey, served as ac­com­pa­nist at evan­gel­i­cal serv­ic­es, and wrote some 500 hymn tunes in her life­time. Sources-- Emurian, pp. 112-3 Reynolds, p. 336 Lyrics-- God’s Way Is Best I Have Re­deemed Thee I’ll Go Any­where No Fault in Him Some Day He’ll Make It Plain Thine for Ser­vice Trust Me, Try Me, Prove Me © 1928 When the Veil is Lifte… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: There is a name high over all
Title: Wonderful
Author: Lida Shivers Leech
Language: English
Refrain First Line: Wonderful, Counsellor, Prince of Peace
Publication Date: 1917
Copyright: Public Domain



Instances (1 - 2 of 2)
TextAudioPage Scan

Jubilate #59

Jubilate Sunday School Hymnal #59

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