1 There is no peace to the conscience defiled,
None to the foes of our God;
There is no peace to the sinner exiled,
None on the ease-loving road.
Peace is of God,
Peace is of God,
Coming of knowing His holy love:
Peace is the purchase of Christ's precious blood,
Peace is a gift from above.
2 There is no peace but to those who will fight,
Fight for the good and the true;
There is no peace but in doing the right
Whatever others may do. [Refrain]
3 There is no peace but in seeking the Lord,
Giving the heart to his will
Until the life doth accord with His word
And His good purpose fulfill. [Refrain]
4 Come, then, O sinner, His promise embrace,
Come, and His pleasant way go;
Backslidden Christians, come, seek yet His face
That His tru peace ye may know. [Refrain]
Source: His Fullness Songs #378