1 There is pardon sweet, at the Master’s feet,
Come and see, O come and see;
There’s a song of peace that shall never cease,
Come, O come and see.
In the precious, precious blood of Jesus
Washed away your sins may be;
You may plunge just now in its cleansing flood,—
Come, will you come and see.
2 There’s an easy yoke that you all may bear,
Come and see, O come and see;
There’s a holy joy that you all may share,
Come, O come and see. [Refrain]
3 There’s a healing balm for the weary breast,
Come and see, O come and see;
There’s a tranquil peace and a sacred rest,
Come, O come and see. [Refrain]
4 There’s a life beyond, ‘tis a life divine,
Come and see, O come and see;
And the light of faith on your path will shine,
Come, O come and see. [Refrain]
Source: On Joyful Wing : A Book of Praise and Song #93