1 There is power in Jesus’ blood to keep,
And to cleanse my heart from ev’ry stain;
For me the perfect Lamb of God
On the cross of Calvary was slain.
Jesus’ blood will keep my garments white,
Pure and white, pure and white,
Jesus’ blood will keep my garments white,
Pure and white and unspotted from the world.
2 ‘Mid the daily duties of my life,
I have Jesus with me, all the way;
His grace so freely given me,
Is abiding in my soul today. [Refrain]
3 And I know that ‘round the throne of God,
Where the white-robed angels sweetly sing;
With garments washed in Jesus’ blood,
There’s a place for me beside my King. [Refrain]
Source: New Songs of Pentecost #22