1 There’s a labor of love that must be wrought,
There are precious souls to win;
There are battles ahead that must be fought,
There’s a world to save from sin.
There’s a cross for each and for ev’ry one,
Heavy and without renown;
But to him who to the end is faithful,
There awaits the victor’s crown.
Labor on,
For the promise of the Lord is unto you:
“I will be with thee;
My grace I’ll give thee;
And thy reward is in my hand.”
Labor on,
For the prize is to the loyal and the true;
Be faithful ever,
And doubting never,
Arise and go at his command.
2 The command of the Lord is, “Follow me!”
And a pathway he hath made
From the manger to cruel Calvary,
Where the debt of sin was paid.
Shall we longer wait, and, with folded hands,
Meekly cry for clearer mind,
While the trumpet voice is sounding:—Go ye,
Preach the word to all mankind? [Refrain]
3 All the good you may ever hope to do,
Do it ere the sun goes down;
For the cross he has given must be borne,
If you hope to weary the crown.
Faith in him alone giveth victory;
And, behold his wondrous grace!
Live for him! be true! and in his glory,
You shall see him face to face. [Refrain]
Source: Sunday School Voices: a collection of sacred songs #150