1 There's a royal highway, leading
To the King's sublime abode;
And I seek a home in glory,
Walking in that royal road.
O, the blessed royal road,
O, the blessed, royal road,
Will you go with me to glory,
Walking in that royal road?
2 O'er the highway Jesus travelled,
Up the hill of Calv'ry trod,
That He might a path make open,
Leading to the throne of God. [Chorus]
3 As I journey o'er the highway
To the country of my kine,
Oft by faith I hear the echo
From the land where angels sing. [Chorus]
4 Oft a glad, entrancing vision
To my spirit is bestowed;
'Tis the city, bright, eternal,
Whither leads the royal road. [Chorus]
Source: Redemption Songs: a choice collection of 1000 hymns and choruses for evangelistic meetings, solo singers, choirs and the home #154