1 “There’s time enough yet! there’s time enough yet!”
(Is the song of youth to-day,)
“For I want my life, which is scarce begun,
To be glad and free and gay,
Let me taste awhile of the joys of earth,
Of its pleasures first partake,
When I’ve older grown I will seek the Lord,
And the paths of sin forsake.”
Then turn to the Lord, while ’tis called to-day,
Lest this be thy vain regret,
That my soul is lost, and my life is wrecked
On the rock of “time enough yet.”
2 “There’s time enough yet! there’s time enough yet!”
And the cares of life press hard,
While the brow is furrow’d with anxious lines
And the hands with toil are scarr’d;
“I must fill my place in this busy world,
I must meet life’s stern demands;
When my work is done, I will then find time
To obey my Lord’s commands.” [Refrain]
3 “There’s time enough yet! there’s time enough yet!”
And the years glide swiftly by,
While the sun sinks low in the crimson west,
And the night is drawing nigh;
“I am weary now and must rest awhile,
There’ll be time enough to pray;”
But the rest he takes is the sleep of death,
And his soul is lost for aye. [Refrain]
4 “There’s time enough yet! there’s time enough yet!”
’Tis the tempter’s subtle snare;
’Tis the rock on which many lives are wreck’d,
Going down in dark despair.
There is time for pleasure and time for work,
And for wealth to seek and hoard,
But alas! alas! for the deathless soul
With no time to seek the Lord. [Refrain]
Source: The Old Story in Song #70