This Endris Night (The Other Night)

This endris night I saw a sight

Published in 8 hymnals

Printable scores: PDF, MusicXML
Audio files: MIDI

Representative Text

1. This endris night1 I saw a sight
A star as bright as day;
And ever among a maiden sung,
Lullay, by by, lullay.

2. This lovely lady sat and sung,
And to her Child did say:
My Son, my Brother, Father, dear,
Why liest Thou thus in hay?

3. My sweetest bird, thus ’tis required,
Though Thou be King veray2;
But nevertheless I will not cease
To sing, By by, lullay.

4. The Child then spake in His talking,
And to his mother said:
“Yea, I am known as Heaven-King,
In crib though I be laid.

5. For angels bright down to Me light3:
Thou knowest ’tis no nay4:
And for that sight thou may’st delight
To sing, By by, lullay.

6. “Now, sweet Son, since Thou art a king,
Why art Thou laid in stall?
Why dost not order thy bedding
In some great kingès hall?

7. Methinks5 ’tis right that king or knight
Should lie in good array:
And then among, it were no wrong
To sing, By by, lullay.

8. “Mary mother, I am thy Child,
Though I be laid in stall;
For lords and dukes shall worship Me,
And so shall kingès all.

9. Ye shall well see that kingès three
Shall come on this twelfth day.
For this behest give Me thy breast
And sing, By by, lullay.

10. “Now tell, sweet Son, I Thee do pray,
Thou art my Love and Dear—
How should I keep Thee to Thy pay6,
And make Thee glad of cheer?

11. For all Thy will I would fulfill—
Thou knowest well, in fay7;
And for all this I will Thee kiss,
And sing, By by, lullay.

12. “My dear mother, when time it be,
Take thou Me up on loft,
And set Me then upon thy knee,
And handle me full soft.

13. And in thy arm thou hold Me warm,
And keep Me night and day,
And if I weep, and may not sleep,
Thou sing, By by, lullay.

14. “Now sweet Son, since it is come so,
That all is at Thy will,
I pray Thee grant to me a boon8,
If it be right and skill9,—

15. That child or man, who will or can
Be merry on my day,
To bliss Thou bring—and I shall sing,
Lullay, by by, lullay.

Some of the archaic terms require explanation:

1 This endris night: The other night, a few nights ago
2 Veray: True
3 Light: Alight
4 No nay: Undeniable
5 Methinks: I think
6 Pay: Satisfaction
7 Fay: Faith
8 Boon: Favor
9 Skill: Reasonable

Source: The Cyber Hymnal #6642

Text Information

First Line: This endris night I saw a sight
Title: This Endris Night (The Other Night)
Source: English 15th Century
Language: English
Copyright: Public Domain



The Cyber Hymnal #6642
  • Adobe Acrobat image (PDF)
  • Noteworthy Composer score (NWC)
  • XML score (XML)


Instances (1 - 8 of 8)

Hymns for Worship #161

Songs of Praise for America #d110

The Cambridge Hymnal #174


The Cyber Hymnal #6642

The International Book of Christmas Carols #16

Page Scan

The Oxford Book of Carols #39

Page Scan

The Winchester Hymn Supplement #153

Uncommon Christmas Carols #3

Exclude 7 pre-1979 instances
Suggestions or corrections? Contact us