Display Title: Take and Eat This BreadFirst Line: This is the bread come down from heavenTune Title: [This is the bread come down from heaven]Author: Francis Patrick O'Brien, b. 1958Scripture: Isaiah 55:1; Matthew 26:26; John 6:50; 1 Corinthians 11:24Date: 2011Subject: Eternal Life | ; Eucharist | ; Hunger and Thirst | ; Paschal Mystery | ; Salvation | ; Unity | ; Witness |
Display Title: Take and Eat This BreadFirst Line: This is the bread come down from heavenTune Title: [This is the bread come down from heaven]Author: Francis Patrick O'Brien, b. 1958Scripture: Isaiah 55:1; Matthew 26:26; Mark 14:22; John 6:50Date: 1994
Display Title: Take and Eat This BreadFirst Line: This is the bread come down from heavenTune Title: [This is the bread come down from heaven]Author: Francis Patrick O'Brien, b. 1958Date: 2004Subject: Eucharist |