1 Thou great and sacred Lord of all,
Of life and only spring,
Creator of unnumber'd worlds,
Immensely glorious King.
Whose image shakes the stagg'ring mind,
Beyond conception high,
Crown'd with omnipotence and veil'd
With dark eternity.
2 Drive from the confines of my heart,
Impenitence and pride:
Nor let me in erroneous paths
With thoughtless ideots glide.
Whate'er thine all-discerning eye
Sees for thy creature fit,
I'll bless the good and to the ill
Contentedly submit.
3 With humane pleasure let me view
The prosp'rous and the great;
Malignant envy let me fly,
With odious self-conceit.
Let not despair nor curs'd revenge
Be to my bosom known;
O give me tears for others woe
And patience for my own.
4 Feed me with necessary food,
I ask not wealth or fame:
But give me eyes to view thy works,
And sense to praise thy name.
May still my days obscurely pass,
Without remorse or care;
And let me for the parting hour,
My trembling ghost prepare.
Source: A Collection of Hymn Tunes from the most modern and approved authors #XXXVII