1. Tho' thoughtlessly I've broken the law,
And have stray'd from the path of right,
Though I am now degraded in sin,
I am coming, coming home to-night.
I will arise and go to Jesus,
And confess I've sinned in his sight;
I will arise and go to Jesus;
I am coming, coming home to-night.
2. My soul is famishing for the truth,
And my heart sighs for heavenly light,
Tho' long I've lived in shame and disgrace,
I am coming, coming home to-night.
3. Oh, I would wash in that crimson flood,
From my sins I would take my flight;
Lord, I would be made holy and pure,
I am coming, coming home tonight.
4. Lord, I would dwell with those gone before,
There to rest where no sin can blight;
There I may wear a robe and a crown,
I am coming, coming home to-night.
Source: The Welcome Voice: a collection of gospel hymns and songs #11