1 Thro’ trials, thro’ mighty temptations,
Thro’ suff’rings and darkest distress,
My Savior will never forsake me,
But ever stand ready to bless.
Still with me, tho’ ties may sever,
Savior mine, with me forever;
Still with me, my constant Friend,
Faithful, true, unto the end.
2 He speaks thro’ the storm clouds that hove,
His light cheers the dreariest day;
And close by my side thro’ the valley
He walks with me down the long way. [Refrain]
3 His eye, ever shining, is on me,
His hand is extended each hour;
And when in my weakness I need him,
He’s ready with grace and with pow’r. [Refrain]
Source: His Worthy Praise #8