1 Thy dreadful Anger, Lord, restrain,
Nor let thy Wrath on me remain,
For 'tis not to be borne:
Oh, spare a Wretch forlorn.
Instead of Justice, which I fear,
Let me the Voice of Mercy hear.
Who can the Stroke withstand,
Of thine afflicting Hand?
2 Have Mercy LORD! for I grow faint,
Oh listen to my sad Complaint!
And as thou know'st my Grief,
Vouchsafe a kind Relief.
The Anguish of my aking Bones,
Extort from me continual Groans;
And thou alone can'st cure,
The Torments I endure.
3 My anxious Soul is troubled Sore,
Do thou oh LORD, my Peace restore;
My Heart within my Breast,
Can find no solid Rest:
But LORD how long must I sustain
These heavy woes? how long complain?
To me in Mercy turn,
Nor let thine Anger burn.
4 Thy wonted Goodness, LORD, extend;
To me thy kind Assistance lend,
For my unequall'd Grief,
Oh send some quick Relief.
And for thy wond'rous Mercy's sake,
On my Distress some Pity take;
Vouchsafe to make me whole,
And ease my trouble Soul.
5 For after Death I can no more,
Thy loving Kindness, LORD, implore,
No more in Anthems raise,
My Voice to sing thy Praise;
None in the dreary Tomb confin'd,
Who hath his fleeting Breath resign'd,
Can thy great Deeds proclaim,
And magnify thy name.
6 With Groaning faint, and tir'd with Pain,
I cease not loudly to complain;
My Nights in Grief I spend,
In Grief that knows no End.
My Tears that never cease to flow,
Are Marks of undissembled Woe;
From Anguish never free,
No Hope of Ease I see.
7 My Sight grows dim, my Beauty fades,
Old Age my tott'ring Fram invades,
My feeble Eyelids close;
My soul no comfort knows,
Whilst I with ever anxious Care,
My angry Foes insulting hear,
Who daily me annoy,
And my distress enjoy.
on my insulting Foes.
8 Depart, ye Wicked, far from me,
Ye shall no more my Sorrows see,
Nor with exulting Voice,
In all my Wrongs rejoice.
For GOD, I find accepts my Tears,
The LORD will soon dispel my Fears,
He hears when I implore
And will my Strength restore.
9 The LORD at length vouchsafes to hear,
My mournful Cry, and humble Pray'r;
My Life he will retrieve,
My Soul from Death relieve;
And those who wish'd my Fall to see,
Shall soon with Shame confounded be,
And know, with humbled Pride,
That GOD is on my Side.