Thy glorious rising on the first of days,
We come adoring, and with grateful praise
Thy saving Passion sing in joyful lays;--
With trumpet sound His praise advance.
O Christ Who, on the Cross in dark dismay
Didst vanquish death and cast his bands away,--
Almighty, in our life give peace, we pray;
Praise Him with cymbals in the dance.
Thou Christ Who, from the depths of hades brought
The life to mortal man his spirit sought;
May we with pure heart hymn Thee as we ought;--
With trumpet sound His praise advance.
We praise Thee that in condescension Thou,
Of Virgin born, to man's estate didst bow,
One with th' Eternal Father then as now;--
Praise Him with cymbals in the dance.
He, on the Cross Who freely bare our woes,
And from the grave a glorious Victor rose,
Now on the world His saving grace bestows;--
With trumpet sound His praise advance,
Praise Him with cymbals in the dance.
Hymns of the Holy Eastern Church, 1902