The New Jerusalem

Representative Text

1 To Jerusalem the new
Come the tried and faithful few
Back to Zion’s golden glory once again;
Highest praise our tongues employ,
With the everlasting joy,
Now a thousand voices swell the glad refrain.

Jerusalem, O Jerusalem,
Blessed city where no darkness ever falls;
Jerusalem, O Jerusalem,
Joy and peace forever be within thy walls.

2 Often have we heard of thee,
Blessed city of the free;
But our fathers sang thy glory far away,
Teaching us that only there,
In that world so bright and fair,
Could we hope to see thy blessed golden day. [Refrain]

3 With thy walls of jasper bright,
Sparkling in the radiant light,
Blessed city of our God, we come to thee;
Through thy pearly gates ajar
Come the ransomed from afar,
Hear again the joyful songs of jubilee. [Refrain]

4 On the trees our harps we hung,
Zion’s songs were left unsung
By the rivers sat we weeping all the day;
Now our harps we tune again,
Sing the everlasting strain,
Now our mourning, sorrow, sighing flee away. [Refrain]

5 Now we reach the evening light,
Robed in shining garments white,
We return to where the saints of yore have trod;
Flee we now from Babel’s fall,
For we’ve heard the Savior’s call
To Jerusalem the living Church of God. [Refrain]

Author: Daniel Otis Teasley

Daniel Otis Teasley, 1876-1942 Died: November 15, 1942, Santa Ana, California. Teasley en­tered the min­is­try of the Church of God de­nom­in­a­tion in 1896, and pas­tored in New York. Some­time af­ter 1910, he be­came Gen­er­al Man­a­ger of the Gos­pel Trump­et Com­pa­ny, where he worked un­til 1917. He then worked as gen­er­al man­ag­er of War­ner Press (1917-18). His works in­clude: Historical Ge­o­graphy of the Bi­ble, 1898, 1917 The Ho­ly Spir­it and Other Spir­its, 1904 How to Con­duct a Sun­day School, 1911 The Go­spel Guide-book, 1918 The Bi­ble and How to In­ter­pret It, 1918 Lyrics-- At the Cross of Je­sus Bow­ing Back to the Bless­èd Old Bi­ble… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: To Jerusalem the new
Title: The New Jerusalem
Author: Daniel Otis Teasley
Meter: with refrain
Language: English
Refrain First Line: Jerusalem, O Jerusalem
Copyright: Public Domain



Instances (1 - 5 of 5)
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Evening Light Songs #22

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Reformation Glory #94

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Select Hymns #226


Timeless Truths #1063

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Truth in Song #106

Exclude 3 pre-1979 instances
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