1 Today all o'er the world one sees,
A banner floating on the breeze;
Upon it this incription grand,
"For God, and home, and ev'ry land."
O raise the banner up on high,
O'er ev'ry country may it fly;
Till all men ev'ry where may stand,
"For God, and home, and ev'ry land."
2 While license rules where Christians dwell,
While rum shops send our boys to hell;
While Virtue trembles we will band,
"For God, and home, and ev'ry land." [Chorus]
3 Not with artillery do we come,
Nor screaming fife, nor beating drum;
He fights for us who has command,
"For God, and home, and ev'ry land." [Chorus]
4 Not in our feeble strength we fight,
The Lord of Hosts will arm the right;
But in His blessed name we stand,
"For God, and home, and ev'ry land." [Chorus]
5 Faith tells us we will win the day,
Hope hovers o'er us while we pray;
Love points us with her golden wand,
To "God, and home, and ev'ry land." [Chorus]
Source: Light in the Valley: a new work of great merit for the Sunday school, revivals, Christian Endeavor, Epworth League, young people's society, and all forward movement along the line of battle... #184