1 Wait on the Lord, O give thanks unto His name,
Come into His temple with the voice of song;
Kneel at His feet and His majesty proclaim;
Sacrifice and worship unto Him belong.
Wait on the Lord, O my soul,
And give thanks unto His name,
O exalt Him, exalt Him, and magnify
His grace, for evermore.
2 Wait on the Lord, lay thy burden at His feet,
Cast thy care upon Him and believe His word;
Bring all thy guilt to His blessed mercy seat;
Pardon, peace, and comfort shall be thy reward. [Refrain]
3 Wait on the Lord, then shalt thou renew thy strength;
They that put their trust in Him He will sustain;
Thou shalt obtain joy and gladness, and at length
Win the crown of glory and with Jesus reign. [Refrain]
Source: The Bright Array #156