1. Wake the Christmas carols
To the holy Child;
Snow the earth apparels,
Winds blow fierce and wild!
See! a star breaks o’er us,
Shines a lustrous gem;
Wake the joyful chorus,
Glory to Bethlehem.
Wake the joyful chorus,
To Heav’n’s diadem;
For His star breaks o’er us,
Glory to Bethlehem!
2. In the distant ages
Patriarchs of old,
Prophets, priests and sages,
Of the Child foretold.
And He came, the holy,
Heaven’s diadem,
Dwelt with us the lowly,
Glory to Bethlehem. [Refrain]
3. On the night’s soft pinion
Floated down a song,
Honor and dominion
To the Child belong;
He shall reign eternal,
Naught His power shall stem,
Praise to Him supernal,
Glory to Bethlehem. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #1854